
Woodbridge Riverside Trust is a registered charity in Suffolk. The Trust is an enabler for a wide range of creative projects. All activities are planned and run by community volunteers.

Responsibility for the implementation of this policy lies with the Trustees of WRT and they will review this policy annually, in January and at any other time should the scope of the Trusts activities change or demand it.

The purposes of the policy

  • To ensure the health and safety of trust members, other stakeholders, employees, contractors, volunteers, visitors and the general public engaged in any approved activities.
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work/activity-related ill health.
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage / use of substances and materials.
  • To ensure emergency procedures are in place in case of fire or other significant incident at all approved activities.

Achieving the aims of the policy

To achieve the aims as set out above, the Trust will ensure:

  1. That appropriate method statements are prepared to identify the processes and equipment required to successfully complete approved activities
  2. No ‘un-approved’ activities should be carried out within the premises, scope and influence of the Longshed.
  3. Particularly hazardous activities will require specific permits to proceed. eg welding, flame cutting, use of heavy power tools such as chain saws. When these activities are essential to an approved activity, it may be necessary to reduce or evacuate all non-essential persons from the building, especially if fire alarms have to be isolated.
  4. That appropriate risk assessments are carried out for all approved activities. Once every three months for ‘The Longshed’ and always prior to any ‘one-off’ activity that involves the public.
  5. Issues identified in risk assessments are addressed in a timely manner.
  6. That all volunteers and/or employees are aware of the policy and supporting documents contained in annexes to this document and sign to signify they accept and will abide by the policies.
  7. That information related to Health and Safety is displayed in The Longshed.
  8. That The Longshed is adequately (appropriately) equipped with first aid resources, an incident record book and other required emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and a fire blanket and that this material and equipment is kept in full functioning order.
  9. The Trust will appoint fire marshals and first aiders in sufficient quantity to support internal and public activities.
  10. That the effectiveness of the policy is regularly reviewed, and regular internal compliance audits are completed.

Annex A Good Workshop Practice for ‘The Longshed’


This document does not set out to detail every example of safe practice or how to achieve it, but gives broad guidelines.

It is expected that all volunteers will support one another in maintaining a good working environment and promoting positive approaches to health and safety.


  1. All mains voltage equipment used in the Longshed must be PAT tested prior to use.
  2. Workbench equipment must only be used by individuals who have received proper training/induction.
  3. Safety guards must always be in place and properly used on machinery equipped with such.
  4. The use of personal hand tools is at the owner’s risk.The Trust accepts no responsibility or liability for the safe keeping of such items.
  5. Dust extraction must be used for all bench machinery and a vacuum cleaner used for all hand held equipment-generated debris.
  6. All tools must be returned to correct storage places at the end of every day/work session


  1. Large items of wood must be correctly stored in the facilities provided.
  2. The delivery of large or heavy components or materials will requirea specific delivery and unloading plan, with sufficient equipment and personnel to achieve it.
  3. Sensible precautions should be taken when moving large, heavy or unwieldy items. Appropriate lifting equipment should be used.
  4. All solvents, adhesives, and paints must be stored in the steel container provided when not in use.
  5. Floors should be kept clear of casual items, timber offcuts and trailing cables.
  6. Good working practices (use of gloves, masks and goggles) should be adopted for working with potentially harmful chemicals.
  7. Sensible practice should be adopted for any work that involves being off ground height.
  8. Unwanted items should be disposed of in the appropriate containers (scrap wood, metal, general rubbish, solvents container and ‘oily rag’ bin).These bins should be regularly emptied.


  1. Emergency exits, walkways, stairs and access ways should be kept clear at all times.
  2. Food or drink should only be consumed in the ‘mess room’.
  3. The mess room should be kept tidy and clean.
  4. The areas of the workspace used, should be swept/vacuumed at the end of each session/day.
  5. There should always be a minimum of two people present for working in the Longshed.
  6. All accidents that require first aid treatment should be recorded in the ‘Incident Book’ and (all) serious accidents/incidents reported to The Trust chair. Emergency services should be used where there is any doubt about someone’s immediate health or condition.
  7. The last persons to leave The Longshed should check that all lights and power are off and that the premises are secure.

Policy reviewed August 2019